Monday, May 25, 2020

Techniques to Improve Recruiting and Interviewing...

Techniques to Improve Recruiting and Interviewing Practises by Managers Recruitment and selection have always been critical processes for organisations. In recent years, there has been growing evidence that the formation of positive psychological contract with employees provides the basis for a positive outcome in terms of organisational commitment and motivation. Recruitment and selection are vital stages in the formation of the expectations that form such a contract, on which, with an emphasis on a two way flow of communication, employees select an organisation and the work on offer as much as employers select employees. Thus employers need to see the attraction and retention of employees as part†¦show more content†¦Approaches to the recruitment and selection of employees forming the secondary internal market could be subject to less screening at the point of entry , attention being paid mainly to possession of the required skills. Such employees might be recruited and selected by cheaper methods but still perhaps, with a connection to or ganisational strategy via the specification of competencies. Giving the findings relating to studies of workers on fixed term contracts and the emphasis given by some workers to work-life balance, it would seem, however, that the crucial feature of a positive physiological contract is the use of progressive HR practices whatever the employment contract, and this will include attention to effective recruitment and selection practises. Once again, employers do not have a choice relating to the practises they adopt. Newell and Shackle ton (2000) refer to recruitment as the ‘process of attracting people who might make a contribution to the particular organization’. Within this statement, we can highlight two crucial issues. First, there is a need to attract people, this implying that people do have a choice about which organisations they wish to work for. Secondly, the contribution that people will make to an organisation is not totally predictable. Recruitment andShow MoreRelatedHuman Resource - Escape to the Wild1638 Words   |  7 Pagestreated fairly and creates rules that everyone is aware of. At Escape to the Wild there are no policies and procedures in place, there are inconsistencies in terms and conditions, inconsistencies in matters relating to recruitment and selection practises and staff are also overworked. Putting good employee relations in place will minimise/avoid all of these problems within the company. Recruitment and Selection Having a proficient recruitment and selection function within a company can help toRead MoreHRM 4280 Project Essay2684 Words   |  11 Pagesprocess and to develop their skills in simple interviewing techniques. Some areas covered are key features of a good interview, understanding verbal and non-verbal communication and assessing candidates through good questioning. 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