Friday, May 15, 2020

The 12 Step Program Alcoholics Anonymous - 3302 Words

The 12 step program Alcoholics Anonymous (AA )was born in 1934. Prohibition had been repealed and a man named Bill Watson drunkenly found his way to Manhattan Hospital. Bill was known to knock back quite a bit of whiskey every day and couldn t seem to be able to quit. While he was at Manhattan Hospital he was given a new and considered experimental treatment for addiction of belladonna, which is a hallucinogen. Bill in his induced state yelled to God to help free him of alcohol. He reported seeing a bright light and feeling such serenity that Bill quit drinking alcohol. He went on to co-found Alcoholics Anonymous and based the principles off the evangelical Oxford Group which believed people were sinners, but with the help of God and confessing, a person could get on the proper path. AA was an answer to a huge void the medical world felt at the time in regard to people who drank heavily. Once alcoholism was named a disease in 1956 by the American Medical Association (AMA) AA grew and more hospitals sprung up wards for alcoholics for patients to detox with no other treatment offered. What someone in a ward for alcholhoics did receive was members showing up to support their fellow drinker and offering support and invitations to meetings. Thus began the road to calling alcoholism a disease and the first 12 step program AA. (14) I disagree with the notion that addiction to alcohol, drugs, sex, eating or other compulsive behaviors is a medical disease. GeneShow MoreRelatedThe 12 Step Program Alcoholics Anonymous3299 Words   |  14 Pages The 12 step program Alcoholics Anonymous (AA )was born in 1934. Prohibition had been repealed and a man named Bill Watson drunkenly found his way to Manhattan Hospital. Bill was known to knock back quite a bit of whiskey every day and couldn t seem to be able to quit. While he was in Manhattan Hospital he was given a new and considered experimental treatment for addiction of belladonna, which is a hallucinogen. Bi ll in his induced state, yelled to God to help free him of alcohol. He reportedRead MoreEssay on Alcoholics Anonymous: 12-Step Program2169 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿ Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the largest and most commonly known self-help group in the world. Since the creation of AA in 1935, there have been many programs modeled after it, which are also based on the 12-Step Program. Some of these include Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Chemically Dependent Anonymous, as well as programs for specific drugs, such as Cocaine Anonymous (CA) and Crystal Meth Anonymous (NIDA, 2012). 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Alcoholic Anonymous (A.A.) foundation is built on a 12 step program that involves taking 12 step that will guarantee your sobriety (according to A.A.) because you start the 12 steps but you never end, it is designed for you to consistently work the 12 steps for theRead MoreA 12-Step Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous: A Reaction Paper841 Words   |  3 Pages12-Step Meeting Reaction Paper Objective The objective of this study is to write a reaction on a 12-step meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous with the focus of the meeting being attitude modification. The meeting attended was the Stairway Group meeting in Decatur, Alabama. The members who attended this group meeting were of all ages, of both the female and male gender and were white, black, and Hispanic individuals. The majority of the attendees were males. First Speaker The first speaker at theRead MoreAlcoholics Anonymous : A Anonymous865 Words   |  4 PagesAttending an Alcoholic Anonymous Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in the basis that alcoholism cannot be healed medically, but spiritually. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1939 by Bill Wilson, and Dr. Robert Smith (B’s, n.d.). The main goal of Alcoholics Anonymous is recovery from alcoholism, and to fully abstain from consuming alcohol. Several non-stated goals are staying out of jail, fixing a financial situation, or becoming happier (Trizio, 2006). After attending in a meeting forRead MoreA Study On Alcoholics Anonymous Essay1459 Words   |  6 PagesAlcoholics Anonymous has held an almost sacred spot in our society as the way for addicts to get sober through spiritual means, with many people having anecdotal stories and experiences corroborating this belief. To full examine the ethicality of AA, an in depth look at AA is required. 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